Welcome to Morphew School of Dance
Morphew School of Dance was founded by Pauline Morphew over 70 years ago to provide high-quality tuition in the four key dance genres - Ballet, Tap, Modern and Jazz. We now offer musical theatre and hip hop/commercial dance as well. The main school is based in Trowbridge, and we have an "outreach" branch in Bratton.
The school places great emphasis on the performing aspect of dance and this is highlighted by the biennial show, involving all the pupils of the school. All 400+ students in the school are given the opportunity to perform whether they are two years old or adult. The show is normally performed over a week at the Trowbridge Civic Centre. Other opportunities to perform arise from requests from other organisations and our dancers are regularly involved in local fetes, shows and pantomimes. At the end of every term, parents are invited to the final class.
We hold external examination sessions usually at the end of each term. We would expect on average one examination per year per genre. Examinations are held at the main school in Trowbridge and are optional. The school follows the syllabus of the British Ballet Organisation and caters for all standards from complete beginner right up to the most advanced level, with a number of students going on to vocational schools and colleges.
Morphew School of Dance is founded on the principle that dance should be accessible and affordable, and the fee structure is designed to reflect this, offering a 10% discount if a child takes lessons in 2 or more genres. There is also a 10% discount if 2 or more children from the same family dance at the school.