Morphew School of Dance Logo


It is important that you come to class prepared to dance and that means wearing the right clothes for the class. Make sure hair is neat and tidy, off the face, and particularly important for ballet in a bun (especially Grade 3 up). Every lesson should be a performance - think about the effort you make with your appearance before you go on stage!

Nursery to Primary (Option A)
Black leotard
Black skirt
Pink tights or pink ankle socks
Black or pink ballet shoes (not split sole)
Pink crossover or show/tapathon t-shirt
Grade 1 and Grade 2 (Option A)
Black leotard
Pink tights or pink ankle socks
Black or pink ballet shoes (not split sole)
Pink crossover, black crop top or show/tapathon t-shirt
Pale pink belt (Grade 1)
Mulberry belt (Grade 2)
Grade 3 up (Option A)
Black leotard
Pink tights must be worn
Black or pink ballet shoes (not split sole)
Black crossover, black crop top or show/tapathon t-shirt
Lilac belt (Grade 3)
Purple belt (Grade 4)
Red belt (Grade 5)
Intermediate Foundation Up (Option A)
Black leotard (preferable)
Black skirt (optional)
Pink tights must be worn
Black or pink ballet shoes (split-soles optional)
Black crossover, black crop top or show/tapathon t-shirt
Soft pointe shoes and pointe shoes from Grade 5 when advised
Nursery to Grade 2 (Option B)
White tee-shirt or singlet
Black cycle shorts
White socks
Black or white ballet shoes
Grade 3 up (Option B)
White singlet or unitard
Black tights
White socks
Black or white ballet shoes
Mini-tap to Stage 2 (Option A)
Black leotard
Black skirt
Pink tights or pink ankle socks
White tap shoes
Pink crossover or show/tapathon t-shirt
Stage 3 and Up (Option A)
Black leggings / jazz pants
Black tap shoes
Black crop top or show/tapathon t-shirt
All Grades (Option B)
White tee-shirt
Black cycle shorts or trousers
Black socks
Black tap shoes
All levels (Option A & B)
Black leggings / jazz trousers
Leotard, vest top, t-shirt or crop top
Black jazz shoes
All levels (Option A & B)
Black leggings or jazz trousers
Black leotard or black t-shirt
Black jazz shoes
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